Wednesday 18 September 2013

More tips for making money

Summer’s coming and you want to make extra money- but you don’t want to be mowing Mrs. Meyer’s lawn again. The paper route is also not for you especially since someone ran over your bicycle. And your parents’ allowance just isn’t cutting it, not when you want to by cool stuff like the Xbox Kinect or PlayStation Vita.
The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do online to earn extra cash. The bad news is that many of these online sites require that you be 18 years of age or older. So, what can you do to make money online if you’re “just a kid”?

Submit Content

Do you like to write, take pictures or create videos? If you said yes and are at least 13 years of age, you can get paid for submitting your content to websites like Helium, Triond and Gather. These sites are revenue-sharing sites that pay you based on the popularity (i.e., page views) of your content. Helium pays you through Paypal, Triondpays you through Paypal, check or Western Union, and Gather pays you through points that are redeemable for gift cards or cash through Paypal.
With Helium, you first need to find a channel that matches the topic of your proposed article. Once your article is submitted, other Helium users will rate it based on its quality relative to existing articles in the same channel. If your article lands in one of the top five spots of that particular channel, it will be featured and accumulate page views. Triond allows you to submit content in your choice of category and pays you 50% of your page view-generated revenue. The site also offers an online forum where you can make friends with fellow writers.
Gather is a content sharing site to which you can submit articles, photos or videos. You also earn by commenting on content submitted by other members. To purchase gift cards or obtain cash from your activities, Gather does require the involvement (i.e., consent) of your parent or guardian.
If you are 14 years of age or older, you can write for Xomba, another revenue sharing site that pays you through Google AdSense. Squidoo requires that its contributors be at least 18 years of age but will accept you if your parent or guardian acts as a proxy for you. This means that your parent or guardian needs to write a note to Squidoo authorizing your account.


If you already have a large online following and would rather keep all of your online earnings, creating and posting content to your own blog is a great way to make money online. Most online bloggers use Google AdSense as a way to generate online income.
You can create your own blog from scratch using a free program like WordPress and then pay a small fee for your own unique website address and hosting from a site like HostGator. Alternately, there are blog creation sites like Blogger, MyBlogSite and My Yahoo! Blog that allow you to post (and monetize) your content for free. The only catch with the above-mentioned free sites is that your blog’s web address will include a reference to that free site (e.g.,

Fill Out Surveys

Is there a computer game that you recently played and can review? Do you like to shop at a particular store? Is there one brand name that you prefer over another? If so, then you can get paid for taking online surveys. If you are at least 13 years age, you can complete surveys posted by the following companies:
Most of these companies pay via Paypal, but some do send checks by mail. Other companies allow you to “cash out” by trading in your money or points for gift cards.

Create Your Own Job

What if you have a talent for singing, can create an animated cartoon, or are good at programming? Fiverr allows you to post odd jobs that you will do for just $5. Keep in mind that Fiverr pays you only $4 out of the $5 that you earn through the site- but hey, it’s still $4 that you didn’t have before. Fiverr payments are made via Paypal.

Sell Stuff

Ebay is by far the #1 site to sell stuff online, from your old textbooks to that itchy sweater your Aunt Sally gave you for your birthday. Ebay’s policy regarding underage members is pretty clear:
“You must be at least 18 years old to be an eBay member. A person under 18 can use an adult’s account with the permission of the account holder. However, the account holder is responsible for everything done with that account.”
So, if you can prove that you are trustworthy to your folks, you should be able to sell (or buy) on Ebay.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Earn Money Idea from SEO

Earn online with the use of new strategies to implement and easily find the best result and advantage of social media the promotion strategies on the differ use of website and media marketing services.
On the use of idea for online earn money and service on internet, Hire SEO Expert on this matter it is important for knowledge of internet and social platforms such as:
Google+, Instagram and Tumblr .
The entire site is well performing on the internet and advantage. Most of the people don’t know what are the best Internet marketer’s selections of website packages which is easily increasingly realize that any Internet related services from the website methods development of current services incomplete unless it is integrated and defining the link building and ranking development system , with an effective social media campaign, and increase the website ranks.
Most of the people only Hire SEO Expert, media marketing methods which are a selection of different media marketing services use for: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and working use of online website marketing tips, when we find the online work, Generally 18-24 age group said they would trust use of online service and get the latest information and believing sharing on social media.
The Mostly Internet Marketing company offers the different online projects, understand the use of media supported service , join the supported media marketing company and looking for a suitable earning method with the use of professional or Experts, you can also take help from SEO Expert. Earn online with the use of new strategies to implement and easily find the best result and advantage of social media the promotion strategies on the differ use of website and media marketing services.
Online Content Writing Service –

For SEO professional services or Hire SEO Expert another media marketing expert use of major website and take online techniques to get money, use of internet services give the current use of expert search engine optimization methods that are looking for proper and good content this work are dependent on material and uniqueness of your content on the internet there is many chances to get many works related to content marketing and this is a good source of money.
Blogging Service –

Blog writing and after promotion of blog methods are available in the blogging services and also this best aspect of making money just only create some useful blog online. The process behind famous and use tips on marketing of your blog all the features related to advertisers to bid for that blog. All the fundamental concept and new methods are supported the value of the online market.
Use Social Media online web services- If you like to take a service of media and entertainment then Facebook, twitter, stumble upon etc are the best option for you to take advantage and services provides for search engine marketing to earn money and also you get popularity of a website .
Site related and Most Visited Pages Survey: Search the information about traffic and visiting of website site for making money directly and related different give the  market of online visited page all this idea of getting traffic, Because of the search engine most of the site are working on traffic of visitors.
Right Keywords for valuable site: On the different website the searching methods are different and research and this service are important value, SEO helps in earning money online.
SEO Dallas makes your website more appealing on major search engine- Google, Yahoo, Bing Hire SEO Expert and analyze client's business and provide them outstanding result and eventually elevate their online business for more info visit:

Thursday 12 September 2013

7 Great Persuasion Techniques To Use In Business

1. Give and you shall receive
When someone does you a favour, you know instinctively that you will have to do something in return in the future. Psychologists call this the reciprocity rule, and it can be very useful in persuasion.
Try it out next time a colleague or your boss needs help with something by being the first to stand up and lend a hand. Even better, think ahead and be aware of the deadlines and meetings your boss has to reach so you know to step in if they get called away. According to the reciprocity rule, they’ll be more likely to return the favour in the future.
2. Admit your weaknesses
People will never accept an idea or proposal if it sounds too good to be true, so one of the most effective ways to be persuasive is to admit a weakness.
Next time you’re trying to convince someone into giving you that job or deal, admit a small drawback before you go on to tell them that you are the best person for the job, or why your proposal will work. For example, point out that you have only two years experience instead of the required three, but then go on to explain the relevance of your past experience and how it puts you ahead of other potential candidates.
3. Emphasise potential loss
A study in the Journal of Organizational Behavior showed potential losses count far more in a manager’s decision-making than the same things presented as gains. What this means is that to be more persuasive, you should point out what they have to lose by not accepting your idea, as well as what they can gain.
So if applying for a job, or putting forward a proposal, make sure to emphasise what the company has to lose by not taking on your skills or suggestions. Just make sure you do so respectfully, and do your research on the company or your client first.
4. Highlight similarities
It is well known that people respect and listen to those who they believe to be similar to themselves. One way to influence this is by using what psychologists call mirroring. By mirroring the body language, tone of voice and interests of the person you’re speaking to, you’ll make them more likely to accept your suggestions.
Next time you meet a potential employer or client, do a brief background check on their company or personal interests. Find any similarities between them and yourself or your individual companies and bring them up in the beginning of your meeting – they’ll be more likely to say yes if they feel like you’re on common ground.
5. Appeal to their reputation
People are more likely to behave in a way that is consistent with their past decisions or beliefs, thereby upholding their reputation. This is what psychologists call labeling.
You can use this to your advantage by pointing out that someone has demonstrated a particular trait in the past, and then suggesting that their next course of action remains consistent with that label. For example, say, “Your company is cutting edge and cutting edge companies invest products like X.” This technique is tried and true and you’ll often see it used in marketing.
6. Use Social Proof
When people are unsure of which course of action to take or how to behave, they tend to assume that others around them are better informed, and will look to them for guidance. Psychologists call this Social Proof, and it is a powerful mode of persuasion.
If you’re trying to convince someone to hire you, mention that you have had interest from other potential employers. Or if you’re trying to sell an idea or product, highlight how the idea or product has been successful with other businesses. People will trust the decisions or behaviours of others and will be more likely to do the same.
7. Take it one step at a time
This is all about getting your foot in the door. If you’re pitching a proposal that’s a bit of a risk, if you throw it all on the table at once your potential employee or client is likely to say no to the whole lot. In order to build trust, you need to convince them one step at a time.
Try breaking down what you aim to achieve into small steps, and then gradually talking them into saying yes to each one – you’ll be more likely to persuade them into giving you what you want. This process can take time but remember small steps in the beginning can lead to big leaps in the future.

The Great Jim Rohn once said: “If you want more, you need to be more”. Something to think about.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

10 Habits That Will Make You A Success

1 Read before you write or work.

Reading a good book will get the creative juices flowing, the brain learning, and your knowledge base growing. Try reading for 30 minutes to start your day.
 2 Always finish your to do list.
Get in the habit of never leaving anything that you wanted to finish at the beginning of the day, incomplete at the end

3 Don’t define success with a dollar amount, but in relation to your happiness.

The habit of defining success with a dollar amount will lead you to constantly chasing a higher price point. It’s a chase that will never end, and a view of success that will never be attained. Get in the habit of seeing your success and your happiness in the same light.
 If you simply do what you set out to do, it will be hard for success to elude you.

4 Wake up at the same time everyday.

Having a good sleep routine will help you have more energy to do more work during the day.

5 Wake up early.

The list of successful people who wake up before the rest of the world is far too long to list. This isn’t a coincidence. Get up before 6 am, 7 days a week and get a head start on your day and your dream.

6 Stick to 90-minute work sessions.

Few people actually work as much as they say they work. Their time is usually made up of distractions.Time your work sessions. Keep a stopwatch. Focus for 90-minutes, take an active break, then get back to the beautiful grind.

7 Take active breaks.

A work break should enhance your working experience. It can’t – at all costs – take away from it. So do something active that will get your blood pumping and your mind working as effectively as it was when you first started working in the wee hours of the morning.
 8 Work harder than your competition.
If you work harder than everyone else, success can’t hide from you. You will find it. And you will enjoy it.
9 Keep a healthy body.
Without a healthy body it becomes evermore difficult to maintain a healthy mind.
10 Make a sacrifice.
Get in the habit of sacrificing things that you may like in your life, for things that will help you become a success. 

Legitimate Online Bussiness

When if comes to making money at home trying to find the program that actually works is sometimes the hardest this to do. If you think you may have finally found the "right site" it may end up being a scam. I am going to show you some keys to look for to assure that you are not getting into a make money at home scam.
First, when selecting any make money at home opportunity look to see if any kind of guarantee is given. Web sites that are not offering any guarantees for their work at home program is more than likely not confident enough in their program to offer this, so be very cautious.
Second, even if a work at home company does offer a guarantee whether it be 30 days, 60 days etc. may not always honor the guarantee. So what do you need to look for when it comes to making sure you WILL get your money back as stated in the Web sites agreement. You will be surprised a simple way to assure you will get your money back. Before selecting any make money at home companies, always look at who is their payment processor. The reason is that companies that do not use a reputable third party pay processor will nave no guidelines and agreement terms they will have to follow. You will then be at their mercy. Companies that use pay processors such as PayPal, Plimus, and 2CO as an example will have to follow a strict code of ethics as in the terms of agreement of these payment processors.
If any company does not follow the terms of agreement set by their pay processor can face suspension, or cancellation of their account. If a company does not give you your money back that uses companies such as PayPal can get in trouble if they do not hold their end of the agreement.
Be careful of companies using merchant software such as eSellerate, which is just a software program to process their own payments, and not a third party pay processor. I am not saying eSellerate is the problem, for it is a very good software program, but I am saying to look out for companies using this software that may disguise the fact they are processing their own payments.
So choosing a good company that offers a guarantee, and is using a reputable third party pay processor such as PayPal is two keys to assure you will not get scammed out of your money.

Many people think that if the program is not to their interest that this should be categorized as a scam. Because every ones interests are different this is not the true definition of a scam. When you pay for something and lose out on the money you initially invested is a the proper definition as a scam. If you are able to try something, and get your money back if you do not like it, is actually good business.
If you are looking for a few good options that meet the criteria I have mentioned, I personally will suggest a few companies that you should look at. These companies offer great training programs, and jobs along with a 100% guarantee. You can at least try these out and not have to worry about getting scammed as per my definition.

1. Guaranteed 50K in 30 days

This is a new program I happen to stumble upon and after watching the video and joining was really impressed with.
The owners have put a lot of effort into the program and are adding and updating things all the time to help the members.
Guaranteed 50 K in 30 Days has a really straight forward compensation plan based on a 5 x 5 matrix and one of the best things they offer is a 30 day money back guarantee. This makes it a no lose situation for anyone who joins. Once you have your 5 sign ups then any others become spillover to help your referrals to also get their 5. This makes it a good program where everyone can be successful working together as a team.

It only costs a one off $50 and you get three products that help you to be successful with the program. These include.
  • The 30 day to freedom video course
  • The online money flow video course
  • The Best Places to Advertise Online
This is a really must join programme and will change peoples life.
To find out more GO HERE

2. Work-From-Home Data Entry

This programe to show you how you can start working from home by our company giving you the following:
Several Work-from-home jobs specializing in many data entry fields both traditional and non-traditional - For FREE!
They will give you details step-by-step-training in all the jobs fields - Training is very detailed with both text and video tutorials - For FREE!
They are going to give you all the needed resources and training to better your skills in typing, grammar, computer knowledge  - For FREE!
They are going to give you over $300 worth of a software suite that is needed to do the various job task we show - For FREE!
They will give you email support as needed to assure you get through the training and get started on the jobs - For FREE!

To find out more GO HERE

3. Web Colleagues Real Home Typing Data Entry Partnership 

With this program it is very simple process. You type, and you get paid. The more you type, the more you get paid. This is not an e-book, or a list of companies that you have to apply to and hope you get the job. This is an actual work-at-home typing Job.
Their colleagues receive complete online training and guidance. You are NOT paying for a job the job is paying you.
They provide all of their colleagues the necessary training, resources, software, tools and jobs. All you need to do is follow the step-by-step program they provide and you will be getting paid providing valuable content for the companies they work with.
If you are not a good typist, speller, or have the best grammar, they will give you training and tutorials to help you.
They even have automated solutions that will create the content for you to type for the companies. You will have opportunities to type in different languages if you choose because they work with companies from all over the world and in many languages.
Their typist NEVER have to type ads, or be subject to spend ANY additional money for software, for programs like Pay-Per-Clicks (Google AdWords) which can be very costly and not give any income in return. 
They only expect our work-at-home typist to provide the content that is required and will get paid for their efforts. 

To find out more GO HERE

4. Paid Surveys - Get paid for your opinions


As a Market Researcher, they will offer you CA$H paying jobs only, NOT filling out offers for prize drawings like 99% of the other so called paid survey sites or even worse the free-paid survey site that only pay you by entering you into raffles and drawings. Most people end up spending more money completing the offers than actually making money with the surveys. The only people making money is the so-called free paid survey sites as they make referrals off you paying for the offers. This program will only pay YOU! and you do not need to complete offers and spend money to get paid. You make the money, not them.
(This companies will actually give you free products and pay you for your research)

See what getting paid for your opinion is really all about.

To find out more GO HERE