Tuesday 10 September 2013

10 Habits That Will Make You A Success

1 Read before you write or work.

Reading a good book will get the creative juices flowing, the brain learning, and your knowledge base growing. Try reading for 30 minutes to start your day.
 2 Always finish your to do list.
Get in the habit of never leaving anything that you wanted to finish at the beginning of the day, incomplete at the end

3 Don’t define success with a dollar amount, but in relation to your happiness.

The habit of defining success with a dollar amount will lead you to constantly chasing a higher price point. It’s a chase that will never end, and a view of success that will never be attained. Get in the habit of seeing your success and your happiness in the same light.
 If you simply do what you set out to do, it will be hard for success to elude you.

4 Wake up at the same time everyday.

Having a good sleep routine will help you have more energy to do more work during the day.

5 Wake up early.

The list of successful people who wake up before the rest of the world is far too long to list. This isn’t a coincidence. Get up before 6 am, 7 days a week and get a head start on your day and your dream.

6 Stick to 90-minute work sessions.

Few people actually work as much as they say they work. Their time is usually made up of distractions.Time your work sessions. Keep a stopwatch. Focus for 90-minutes, take an active break, then get back to the beautiful grind.

7 Take active breaks.

A work break should enhance your working experience. It can’t – at all costs – take away from it. So do something active that will get your blood pumping and your mind working as effectively as it was when you first started working in the wee hours of the morning.
 8 Work harder than your competition.
If you work harder than everyone else, success can’t hide from you. You will find it. And you will enjoy it.
9 Keep a healthy body.
Without a healthy body it becomes evermore difficult to maintain a healthy mind.
10 Make a sacrifice.
Get in the habit of sacrificing things that you may like in your life, for things that will help you become a success. 

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